BRIDGES June Monthly Meeting

BRIDGES June Monthly Meeting

June 5, 2014

Hosted by: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling

Program: How Interfaith Engagement Informs our own Faith

Unitarian Universalists often consider their own congregations "Interfaith." Rev. Anya from UUCS, will share what it is like to minister to a congregation whose members hold diverse theological perspectives - from supernatural theism to atheism.

We will look at Eboo Patel's work on Interfaith Engagement. We will share a discussion on the ways that Interfaith Engagement has deepened our experience of our own faith and faith tradition.

Throughout, quotes from our discussion will be recorded and compiled. The compilation will be a free form poem. All present will be welcome to take a copy of "our" poem home with them to their faith communities, to share in a worship service, or to use or share in some other way appropriate to their tradition.

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