BRIDGES April Monthly Meeting

BRIDGES April Monthly Meeting

April 3, 2014

Hosted by: Friends of Goose Creek

Program: Lynnette Austin will present "Love Your Neighbor, Feed Your Neighbor", a partnership effort by multiple, local, faith-based ministries to feed those who are food-insecure in Loudoun County.

Summer months are particularly challenging and draining on our food pantries (schools are out for summer, people leave town for vacations, holiday supplies have diminished, children do not have access to "free and reduced" lunch programs). Come find out how your congregation can help with the effort.

Last year, this multi-faith, Loudoun County-wide food drive, with the help of more than 1,100 volunteers, collected nearly 70,000 lbs. of food! With your input and enthusiasm to help those in need, this year will yield even better results!

To be followed by small group discussion.

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